My pregnancy journey: How good health helps you and your baby

  • Columnist Alexandria Randolph rests post workout and logs her activity on a tracker app during her sixth month of pregnancy. Mothers who exercise during pregnancy have lower risk of pregnancy and labor complications. Alexandria Randolph | Lampasas Dispatch Record
    Columnist Alexandria Randolph rests post workout and logs her activity on a tracker app during her sixth month of pregnancy. Mothers who exercise during pregnancy have lower risk of pregnancy and labor complications. Alexandria Randolph | Lampasas Dispatch Record
  • Straight shooting on health by alexandria randolph
    Straight shooting on health by alexandria randolph
Pregnancy is nothing like I expected.My mother had a difficult pregnancy and a horrible labor experience, and she made sure I heard that story several times.She’s not alone. All of us have known a friend, mother, sister or random stranger who’s had a rough pregnancy and wanted us to know all about it. Unfortunately, that meant by the time I was married and considering children, I had heard enough…

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