KWSC water supply suspended due to power outages


Officials warn customers that the duration of the situation is unknown 


Kempner Water Supply Corp. has warned members that they may be without water for an undetermined amount of time due to power outages at multiple water plant facilities.

In a message issued to customers at 8 p.m. this evening, KWSC officials said that rolling black outs had left a plant, pump station, and Central Texas Water Supply Corp. facilities without power.

“Members, due to power failure from rolling blackouts beyond our control, there is currently no power at our water plant, 195 pump station, or Central Texas Water Supply. That means water treatment has been stalled until power returns,” officials said. “Please, please conserve water as much as you can until further notice as we are unaware of how long this may go on.”

As of 8:23 p.m., outages have been reported for Oncor Electric Company which serves Bell, Coryell, Lampasas, and Hamilton counties. According to, an electric outage tracking website, 1,109 outages have been reported by Oncor customers, but only 37 of which are in the immediately surrounding area; 22 in Bell and 15 in McLennan county.

Pedernales Electric Cooperative has no outages reported. Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative, which serves Bell, Coryell and Hamilton counties, also has no outages reported