Reset the ‘bliss point’: ways to manage sugar and salt cravings

  • Reset the ‘bliss point’: ways to manage sugar and salt cravings
    Reset the ‘bliss point’: ways to manage sugar and salt cravings
  • Because sugar signals a release of dopamine, opioid and other natural “happy hormones” from the brain, our animal instincts often can take control when we taste sweet or salty foods. ALEXANDRIA RANDOLPH MURRELL | COURTESY PHOTO
    Because sugar signals a release of dopamine, opioid and other natural “happy hormones” from the brain, our animal instincts often can take control when we taste sweet or salty foods. ALEXANDRIA RANDOLPH MURRELL | COURTESY PHOTO
Sugar is as addictive as cocaine. You’ve probably already heard that groundbreaking claim, but did you also know there is a specific type of research in the food industry with the entire goal of creating repeat consumers? These researchers spend their days determining exactly how much sugar, salt and fat they can put in a food before it becomes too much. The goal is to develop consumers who will…

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